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XC Weather

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Met Office

Words & photos - John Lymer

When will Summer start? That's what we're all asking isn't it, except maybe Mark who wore a shortie anyway? Just 12C when I got to the Club. Thankfully, the sun made an appearance soon after and the day finished on 15C. Should we be glad of 15C in July?! The wind was good and xcweather continues to get the forecast right - strong Force 4 from mid-afternoon (a bit less in the photos). The 10 members windsurfing and wingfoiling made the most of it. Gabby was gybing proficiently, Geoff looks so nearly there and Norbert is getting up on the foil a bit. The windsurfers managed some nice gybes and good speed too. The only negative was the mobile phone which was lost without trace in the reservoir despite a great deal of searching!

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West Pennine Windsurfing Club
Watergrove Reservoir
OL12 9NT

WPSC is a not-for-profit Community Amateur Sports Club trading as WPWC