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Let's start by saying avoid collisions at all cost!

Moving on from that important message ... when wind powered craft share the water there are just three rules:

1. When on the same tack, the windward (upwind) craft keeps clear of the leeward (downwind) craft.

2. When on opposite tacks, the port* tack craft keeps clear.

3. When overtaking, the overtaking craft keeps clear.

* You are on port tack on a windsurf/wingsurf/foil board if your left hand is nearest the mast/nose of the board (ignoring switch stance) and the wind is from your left/port side

Another way to remember it is, when approaching head-on, the person with right of way has their right hand forward (ignoring switch stance) and the wind is on their right/starboard side.

The right of way sailor maintains their course and the give way sailor makes an obvious early course alteration. Please also exercise extra caution when approaching someone slower/less experienced.

A sail/wing powered craft technically has right of way over boats with engines, but caution has to be exercised!

When sail/wing powered craft share the water with paddlers all should stay well clear of each other and generally observe the rules above. If approaching head on, both should turn to starboard (right) early on to avoid a collision. The paddler has right of way when being overtaken, so others should give him/her a wide berth.

Words & photos - John Lymer

The reservoir is now within 1.2m/4 feet of being full! That's not quite what we expect in July, especially when thinking back to last Summer's low levels. And it's been windy on many more days than a normal July. So, it's to be expected that members and visitors will make the most of it ... and make the most of it we did! Turnout was in the teens on both 29th and 30th July, including 5 visitors on Sunday and 1 on Saturday. The wind was Force 4 both days, nudging 5 at times on Sunday. The newly repainted changing rooms seem well received and a bonus as we seek to make the club ever more welcoming and a pleasant place to be. The photos below were taken while walking around the reservoir, so the dam that features prominently on most other days is completely absent.

Click on a picture to see larger images then use the arrows or swipe to scroll through them


Words & photos - John Lymer

It wasn't quite your normal July weather. Force 4 to 5, maximum 16C, heavy showers, thunder ... and even some hail! And that was just day one. Day two was much drier and we saw a little sun, but it was still windy, this time from the West. The weekend weather wasn't really beginner friendly and those without some experience sensibly gave it a miss. Also not paddle friendly and that was a real shame too. So it was left for windsurfers, wingfoilers and a windfoiler to enjoy some good blasting conditions with end to end runs on Saturday and 'out to the dam and back' on Sunday. Arranged by the RYA, 3 of our windsurfing intermediates had tuition from James Wheeldon on Sunday and all seemed to benefit significantly. Improvements on the day included: better knowledge of board suitability/differences, rigging tips, beach starts, improved stance on the board, more consistent planing in the foot straps and with altogether more confidence - an impressive tally indeed! A few people stayed over in vans on Friday night and a few more on Saturday, when the later part of the evening was whiled away with videos on a big screen. All the cooking was indoors instead of the barbecue we'd hoped for. And of course some alcohol was imbibed. Overall, a great weekend for those who came, but a shame the weather wasn't more suitable for others who may have wanted to.

Click on a picture to see larger images then use the arrows or swipe to scroll through them

Here are photos from day 1 - after viewing these scroll down to photo with an orange sail then click that for day 2 pictures





West Pennine Windsurfing Club
Watergrove Reservoir
OL12 9NT

WPSC is a not-for-profit Community Amateur Sports Club trading as WPWC