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Web Cam

clipart wind turbine blade 2



XC Weather

clipart wind turbine blade 2

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Met Office


Click on the image above to view

The Webcam is set only to work in daytime to prevent the batteries from running down more than necessary. Even so, we do have problems with batteries and if you're not getting a picture that's probably the reason why. We'll alter the times when the camera is available according to changes in daylight during the year, but it may well be something like 10am to 6pm.

Please don't leave the webcam running on your computer for long periods - this slows down the connection for other users. Thanks!

There should no longer be problems with access unless the batteries are run down, but just in case .... you can use this link to view a live snapshot. Then just refresh the view every few seconds to see new images.



West Pennine Windsurfing Club
Watergrove Reservoir
OL12 9NT

WPSC is a not-for-profit Community Amateur Sports Club trading as WPWC